The Department of PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY invites you to the selection round of the International Scientific Olympiad, which will be held on April 16, 2021 among students of medical universities.
The International Scientific Olympiad is open to students of all directions studying PSYCHOLOGICAL disciplines taught at the Department of PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY.
The selection round consists of 2 stages, which will take place offline, in lecture room No. 24 on the 4th floor of the TTA 2 academic building:
Stage 1: tests with one correct answer (25). Time: 17.00 -17.30
Students who score 70 or more in Level 1 progress to Level 2.
Stage 2: a quick survey (5). Time: 17.35-18.30
Students who scored the highest number of points in 2 rounds (1 from the Uzbek group and 1 from the Russian group) will have the opportunity to participate in the international stage of the Olympiad, which will be held online.
I wish you all the best!

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